~ Autumn Crafts

Photos from projects I’ve made the last few weeks.

Pumpkin Treat Bags

I made these for my co-workers for Halloween – orange paper bags, green duct tape, pipe cleaners and candy (of course!)  Cut off any excess “stem” with pinking shears to give it a rough chop.

Paper Haystacks

One of my co-worker’s mothers asked her to ask me about Thanksgiving decorating! (hee hee)  This was what I shared with her.  Each haystack is made out of two strips of 5″ x 12″ pieces of patterned paper.  I used the Martha Stewart fringe scissors to cut the hay.  Roll the strips together.  I rolled two different ways –(1) end-to-end and (2) both strips rolled up together one on top of the other.  I prefer the end-to-end method.  Use a bone folder or your fingers to puff out the out layers of paper and secure with a little adhesive and twine.  For more information on how to make this, go to The Twinery for their version.

Rosette Embellishments

Working on a new card class and these are some of the embellishments I made.  Not so convinced these will be very autumn-y but what the heck.  I’ll figure it out!

Latest Twilight-themed Bracelets

One of the bracelets below was a special order of charms made from pictures taken at the Baltimore Twilight Convention plus autographed fan photos.  The Edward one was a prize I made for the Twilight Sorority Facebook Page.

9 thoughts on “~ Autumn Crafts

  1. You are so talented im from the twilight sorority! Id say maybe some twilight braclets with pics from the books like popular lines in such like u cut it out of the book

  2. I love the book covers bracelet. I want one of those. I liked your Team Jasper necklace but what about some love for my Emmett??? Also I was wondering how much you would charge me to make me a bracelet like these but with pictures of my four cats. They are so special to me and I would love to be able to show my love for them in a new creative way. Let me know.



  3. You do amazing work Lea! Do you have a Kellan bracelet? I would live to get one!
    Oh… N is this where I post for the Sorority contest? Let’s go see Breaking Dawn again soon!

  4. I want to feature your pumpkin bag project for Trendy Tuesday article for the blog at Paper Crafters Library, featuring terrific pumpkin crafts. You can ck out the blog here: http://blog.papercrafterslibrary.com/ The image of your project will credit you and link back to your blog as well. If you do not wish to be featured for this article, just let me know.

  5. Pingback: Trendy Tuesday – Paper Craft Pumpkins :: Paper Crafter's Library

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