~ Instagram August – December 2012 – Part 1

Wow, has it really been that long since I collaged and posted my Instagram photos?  There are so many photos that I need to break them out in several parts and by loose themes.  So here is the first batch from the August-October timeframe.

{Food and Drink}

End_of_year 2012A

End_of_year 2012B

End_of_year 2012c

End_of_year 2012D

{Papercrafts and Chainmaille Jewelry}

End_of_year 2012E

End_of_year 2012F

{Just around the house, out and about locally or on travel photos}

End_of_year 2012G

End_of_year 2012H

End_of_year 2012I


~ Instagram – April 20 at the National Museum of the Marine Corps

My husband and I were invited to a retirement ceremony at the Marine Corps Museum today.  In addition to using my camera, I took a several photos with my phone to share right away on Instagram.  Here is what I shared earlier today.  Other photos to be posted later.  Come back for a visit. =)